13 Greenleas, Hangleton
Hove BN3 8AD
4 November 2022
Cllr David Gibson
Chair, Housing Committee
Hove Town Hall, Hove, East Sussex. BN3 3BQ
Dear Cllr Gibson,
I am writing this letter to put forward a suggestion to improve the communication between the Council and Sussex Police on housing matters.
When I call the Housing Department to talk about serious incidents of antisocial behaviour on the city’s housing estates, I am often told that the Council is unaware of what is going on because ‘they have had no notification from the Police’. This is very frustrating to hear as the residents expect the council to have their finger on the pulse.
If the Council is relying on reports from the Police, then we need to see a much better relationship and flow of information between the Housing Department and the Police force going forward, particularly if we are going to stop some of this antisocial behaviour and drug dealing on the council’s housing estates that is going on.
Is there any way that the Council could arrange for a weekly catch-up meeting between the Housing Department and the Police so that the Council is aware of what is going on? This would help improve lines of communication between the Council and the Police and benefit tenants in the long run.
What do you think of this suggestion?
Yours sincerely,
Councillor for Hangleton & Knoll Ward
Telephone: (01273) 291198
Conservative Councillor for Hangleton & Knoll Ward